myPocketCFO is game changing for me, a solo-preneur, to manage my finances from bookkeeping to fundraising
Founder of YTTOFOODS
I gave 10 out of 10 for myPocketCFO's overall service. I love the educational videos, the quick and on-demand access to experts, and the tool is intuitive for me to manage all my finances!
Founder of Popadelics
The communication and response times have been excellent. Everyone has such a great helpful attitude.
They are professional and always make you feel like they want to help you. It is great having access to "live" people, something that is sorely missing in today's world of tech and e-commerce companies
Co-founder of Hiatus
The customer service team is great and quick. I like them
Founder of Nemi Snacks
Their UX is so simple, and easy to use, just what I needed, no more, no less. It also feels their team cares more about my business than I do, which is great for any startup entrepreneur!
Founder of Sipwell
I love the comments feature. Once I got a hang of using myPocketCFO, things became really smoothly. Definitely money-well-spent!
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